*Note to readers. JC was kind enough to promptly get this blog post to us following the race weekend. We wanted to make it the first blog post we published with our updated site launch, which took a little longer than expected. Enjoy reminiscing on the Fat & Skinny Tire Festival through his eyes.
When I moved back to Warsaw last August, I remember being excited for May because I would finally be able to attend the Fat and Skinny Tire Festival! I first fell in love with cycling when I lived in Indianapolis. I met a group of cyclists who would ride almost everyday after work. We would ride downtown, up the Monon trail, around Broad Ripple Village. I did not get a chance to ride in the festival, but I did get to hang out with friends and experience the festival together.
My name is JC, and I grew up in Warsaw. I graduated from WCHS in 2012. I moved away from home, at the time, to get away. Who knew that the journey I had away from home would lead me back to Warsaw. Everything I saw out there, I see here right in my hometown. I’ve learned many things. One of those things is that there are many possibilities, even in your own backyard. Let me tell you about it, starting out with my weekend spent at the festival.
On Friday, I couldn’t participate in the family bike ride from Winona to downtown due to work. I did look at the schedule and noticed that there were races late in the night so after work, I went to go see what was going on. This would be my first time seeing a cycling race. I was walking down Center St. and saw a blur of riders on Buffalo St. The streets were clear of cars and full of bicycles. I walked to where the MC was and was trying to pay attention to what was going on due to my inexperience with bike races. I ended up staying there longer than planned. The event just grabbed my attention.

On Saturday, I met up with a friend and his son in Winona Village. I didn’t really know what was going on so we went to explore. We first stopped at the Miller Sunset Pavilion and saw all the vendors there. Afterwards, we went to get some candy at Rocket Fizz and ice cream at the Social before watching a BMX show right outside the Social. The day sounds simple but it was a great time to spend it with my good friend and his son. That night, I went back with another group of friends. We played some pickleball first. Then we went and had dinner at the food trucks where there was a live band playing. Afterwards, we went to a friend's place in the Village to go play some Switch games. We could hear the band playing and decided to go grab some ice cream at the Social (second time for me).
On Sunday, I was able to volunteer and help with the festival. I was guarding a crosswalk where the cyclists were riding. It’s a very important job to not allow anyone to get hurt, including those experiencing the festival. That was an amazing day cause I felt the excitement all day. I saw some new and old friends and caught up on what happened in our lives since we last saw each other.

Here’s what I enjoyed about the whole experience. Of course not all of us are interested in cycling. I know this, but we have to make the best of the opportunity. I had to be open-minded because it’s easy to think, “There’s not much to do,” or “I don’t know anyone here.” The great thing about festivals is that it allows people to come out for a moment to see what’s going on. We’re like that little worm poking their head out of the dirt saying “What’s going on?” Once you come out, you have to let go of your expectations. There are experiences that come around the corner that we don’t see.
When you go out, you have to be in the moment. Try not to think about what you forgot to do that day or what you have planned for tomorrow. It’s not easy. I saw it with my friend's son. He was getting a little antsy after he finished his ice cream. But if you can get past that, you’ll start to realize the little moments and you’ll get a little pleasure. You’ll create memories that you’ll remember later in life. You start to appreciate the breeze on your neck because of the heat. You’ll start to hear the various noises. These noises could put a smile on your face. Noises coming from the laughter around you, or the birds singing in the air. You’ll feel the coolness of the shade the tree is providing. You’ll start to enjoy every bite of the chocolate ice cream. You’ll experience its creamy texture and it starting to melt in your mouth as you eat.
That’s the beauty of going out. You don’t know what could happen. Most days feel like they’re all the same. Like they’re all glued together. So when you have one of those outlier opportunities, like the town's largest bicycle festival, you have to ask yourself, “What could happen?”
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